How Staff Augmentation is Helping Companies meet the COVID-19 Crisis

Shahid Tariq
4 min readJun 11, 2020

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented and unusual given the intensity and speed with which people are getting infected from this disease. From personal to professional life, the contagion has adversely crippled our way of life. Specifically, the corporate world is facing one of the worst lockdowns in decades amid uncertainty and vagueness in government policies. Even large multinational companies with stable market shares are also finding it difficult to continue their operations and fulfill their commitments without terminating their staff members. Nevertheless, remote resources can help employers fill the skills gap and resume operations without any interruption. This article explains how staff augmentation is helping companies meet the COVID-19 crisis and accomplish their desired objectives.

Retain Skilled Professionals

One of the biggest challenges companies are facing during the lockdown is retaining skilled workforces and utilizing their abilities. While several corporations have to shut their operations amidst the COVID-19 crisis, it is very difficult for entrepreneurs to bear the liabilities of full-time in-house employees without generating revenues. In these conditions, trusted staff augmentation agencies like Khired Networks can provide you with qualified and experienced professionals who can work remotely and help you complete the pending projects on-time. Besides, augmented teams are particularly important for organizations operating in developed countries that are severely attacked by the COVID-19.

Business Continuity

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic across the globe, most of the governments have imposed a strict lockdown to avoid the community-based transfer of this deadly virus. Consequently, the business community has been severely affected by this lockdown and has started looking for alternate resources to resume their activities. Under these circumstances, staff augmentation allows entrepreneurs to get benefit from time zone differences in diverse regions and continue their business operations without any interruption. Scheduling working hours intelligently helps teams working in different geographic locations operate consistently and meet the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis like lockdown and uncertainty. Additionally, remote professionals from countries less-affected by the pandemic can work extra hours and enable corporations to fulfill their client’s commitments.

Fills the Skills Gap

During the lockdown or even normal days, a majority of employers complain about the declining quality of fresh graduates and the lack of skilled professionals. The problem; however; can be solved by recruiting remote resources from different backgrounds and geographical regions. These professionals bring with them innovative ideas and progressive outlook driven by their passion for consistent growth and capability of their domestic educational system. They integrate with your in-house team and try their best to outperform their colleagues through hard work, consistency, and courage to achieve excellence. Similarly, employers can also get project-specific skills to complete specific tasks both on a short and long-term basis. Employing the right person with the right skills boost organizational growth and helps entrepreneurs accomplish corporate goals.

Economic Advantage

While most of the companies in developed countries are unable to fully resume their operations due to the COVID-19 crisis, staff augmentation can help entrepreneurs deliver excellence without any interruption in their business activities. Despite lockdown and uncertainty, remote professionals continue working nonstop from different geographical locations and ensure the provision of high-quality products and services without bearing liabilities of full-time in-house employees. Additionally, this approach gives organizations an economic edge over their competitors and allows them to reduce their overall expenses as well as improve the performance of their workforces. In this way, staff augmentation can help entrepreneurs convert the COVID-19 crisis into an opportunity and accomplish their desired objectives by outperforming their rivals.

Final Words

Managing organizational activities and resuming business operations have been quite challenging amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown has shut down all kinds of business activities leaving no option for companies other than terminating their employees to reduce their operational expenses. Notwithstanding, staff augmentation can bring companies out of this crisis by helping them retain skilled professionals, fill the skills gap, ensure round-the-clock operations, and gain an economic advantage over competitors. Hiring remote professionals from trusted staff augmentation agencies like Khired Networks offers exclusive benefits like cost-efficiency, proficiency, and consistency. Empowered by modern technology and advanced techniques, Khired Networks offers viable solutions to counter the COVID-19 crisis and helps employers meet the challenges posed by this pandemic.



Shahid Tariq

Shahid Tariq is specialized in providing technical sources and business solutions such as Team Augmentation, Big Data Management & Analysis, Outsourcing